2012-10-162012-10-16BOSQUE Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Pages: 203-209 DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002012000200010https://repositorio.utalca.cl/repositorio/handle/1950/9044Doll, U (reprint author), Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Forestales, Casilla 721-747, Talca, Chile.The high content of active compounds with antioxidant power found in Ugni molinae leaves, an understory shrub of native forests, caused a search for promising material for cultivation. The aims of this study were to determine the rooting capacity of cuttings of two provenances from the northern distribution limit of the species, and the effect of sun exposure and leaf age on tannin and flavonoid concentration. The rooting trial was carried out in a warm rooting-bed over cuttings coming from 10 mother plants of each provenance. After three months, more than 70% of cuttings rooted; Cordillera de Los Andes provenance outdid Cordillera de la Costa provenance. The application of rooting hormone at the base of cuttings significantly improved the share of successful rooting and the quality of roots formed. Leaves of five sun plants and five shadow plants were collected from each provenance for quantification of active compounds. Sun leaves show higher flavonoid concentration than did shadow leaves in both provenances. Cordillera de los Andes sun leaves contain more tannin than that contained by shadow leaves of the same provenance. Leaf age has no impact on the concentration of active compounds.