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Item Carbohydrate and amino acid dynamics during grain growth in four temperate cereals under well-watered and water-limited regimesAutores: Méndez-Espinoza, Ana María; Garriga, Miguel; Ben Mariem, Sinda; Soba, David; Aranjuelo, Iker; Pozo, Alejandro delGrain development in cereals depends on synthesis and remobilisation compounds such as water-soluble carbohydrates (WSCs), amino acids (AAs), minerals and environmental conditions during pre- and post-anthesis. This study analyses the impact of water stress on metabolite (WSCs, AAs and nitrogen) dynamics between the source (leaves and stems) and sink (grain) organs in triticale, bread wheat, durum wheat and barley. Plants were grown in glasshouse conditions under well-watered (WW) and water-limited (WL) regimes (from flag leaf fully expanded until maturity). The results showed that the stem WSC content and the apparent mobilisation of WSC to the grain were much higher in triticale and were associated with its larger grain size and grain number. In the four cereals, grain weight and the number of kernels per spike were positively associated with stem WSC mobilisation. After anthesis, the AA concentration in leaves was much lower than in the grain. In grain, the main AAs in terms of concentration were Asn, Pro and Gln in triticale, bread, and durum wheat, and Asn, Pro and Val in barley. The water-limited regime reduced grain weight per plant in the four cereal species, but it had no clear effects on WSC content and AAs in leaves and grain. In general, triticale was less affected by WL than the other cereals.Item Composition and Food Web Structure of Aphid-Parasitoid Populations on Plum Orchards in ChileAutores: Alvarez Baca, Jeniffer K.; Montealegre, Xiomara; Alfaro Tapia, Armando; Zepeda Paulo, Francisca; Van Baaren, Joan; Lavandero, Blas; Le Lann, CecileIn terrestrial natural ecosystems, more complex and diverse networks of plant-insect primary consumers and their predators are often more productive, stable, and resilient. Plant diversity often positively correlates to the diversity of phytophagous insects and their natural enemies generating multitrophic interactions with changing outcomes (bottom-up effects). The use of cover crops can promote natural enemy populations and their temporal synchronization with a target pest, resulting in greater pest control. Therefore, changes in the habitat conditions can alter food webs. In agroecosystems, characteristics of the food trophic webs, as connectance, measured as the proportion of realized links in the network, could be linked to the efficiency of pest control. In this study, we evaluated how the use of oat cover crops affects composition and structure in the aphid-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid food webs of plum orchards with different habitat management contexts: plums with inter-rows of oats as a cover crop (OCC) and plums with inter-rows with spontaneous vegetation (SV). Quantitative food web metrics differed significantly among treatments showing a higher generality, vulnerability, interaction evenness, and linkage density in SV, while OCC presented a higher degree of specialization. By increasing plant diversity in agroecosystems, it has been proposed that one can enhance and stabilize ecosystem functioning by increasing natural enemies' diversityItem Development, reliability and validity of a multidimensional scale of expert social reports in Social Work (ISP.TS)Autores: Contreras Sáez, Milton AndrésEl presente artículo se centra en el desarrollo, confiabilidad y validez de una escala multidimensional de informes sociales periciales en Trabajo Social (ISP.TS). El Informe Social Pericial constituye uno de los instrumentos más utilizados por Trabajadores Sociales en el mundo en diferentes materias legales. Las dimensiones trabajadas fueron el concepto de familia, relaciones familiares, resiliencia familiar, factores protectores y de riesgo, proyecto de vida y entornos familiares. El estudio se efectuó con todos(as) los(as) peritos trabajadores sociales inscritos y activos de la Defensoría regional del Maule, en Chile (15). La confiabilidad se evaluó con análisis de consistencia interna mediante el empleo del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, así como por el análisis de la homogeneidad de sus ítems examinando la correlación ítem - total corregido. La validez fue analizada mediante el juicio de expertos y a través del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. La escala obtuvo un coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0.904 y la validez del instrumento se realizó por medio de juicio de expertos. La escala ISP.TS es una medida valida y confiable para la evaluación de los informes sociales periciales que puede ser utilizada en diferentes contextos.Item Financial distress/well-being and living situation in Ecuadorian health workersAutores: Lobos Andrade, Germán; Schnettler, Berta; Lapo, Carmen; Nuñez, María; Vera, LauraThe tendency to live alone is a relatively recent phenomenon in Ecuador, but it is expanding rapidly. This study aims to identify factors associated with financial distress/well-being according to living situation (living alone vs. living with a partner) in Ecuadorian health workers. This study examined the construct of financial distress/well-being in a sample of 800 Ecuadorian health workers using cross-sectional data. Living situation was compared using generalized linear model analyses including income, age, children living at home, self-perception of health, depression, anxiety and stress, perceived social support, positive mental health, and hedonistic and austere profiles. Regarding financial well-being, workers living alone ranked lower and workers living with a partner ranked higher. In workers living alone the main sources of financial distress/well-being were income, children living at home, perceived social support, positive mental health, and hedonistic attitude towards indebtedness. In workers living with a partner the main sources of financial distress/well-being were income, age, self-perception of health, depression, anxiety and stress, perceived social support, positive mental health, and austere attitude towards indebtedness. Based on our results, we discuss potential public policy interventions that can be used to improve workers' financial well-being.Item Social determinants of malnutrition in Chilean children aged up to fiveAutores: Alvear Vega, Sandra; Vargas Garrido, HectorBackground This study aimed to ascertain the Social Determinants (SDs) of malnutrition (over and undernutrition) of Chilean children aged up to five. Methods The study was carried out using a sample of children from zero to five years old (n = 1,270,485; 52.2% female) from the National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey (CASEN) 2017. A multinomial logistic regression model was used, where the "child nutritional status" outcome variable assumed three possible values: normal nutrition, overnutrition, and undernutrition, while taking those variables reported in previous literature as independent variables. Results The model, by default, set normal nutrition as the reference group, Count R2 = 0.81. Results show a higher likelihood of both overnutrition and undernutrition among male children from the lowest quintiles, with native ethnic backgrounds, reporting health problems, having public health insurance, and who attend kindergarten. Additionally, higher probabilities of undernutrition in younger than two and living in the north of the country, while overnutrition is more likely in the south. Conclusions Socioeconomic variables are fundamentally related to both over and undernutrition; the current single schema program to prevent malnutrition should consider SDs such as ethnicity and geographical location, among others; moreover, successful nutritional programs-which focused on the lowest quintiles, need to be expanded to other vulnerable groups and pay more attention to overnutrition.Item Willingness to Pay for a COVID-19 VaccineAutores: Cerda, Arcadio A.; García Pérez, Leidy YomaryBackground The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has considerably affected the lives of people worldwide, impacting their health and economic welfare, and changing the behavior of our society significantly. This situation may lead to a strong incentive for people to buy a vaccine. Therefore, a relevant study to assess individuals' choices and the value of change in welfare from a COVID-19 vaccine is essential. Objective This study aimed to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) value for a vaccine for COVID-19. We also identify the variables that influence individual vaccination decisions, which could be used in the design of vaccination promotion strategies. Methods We use the contingent valuation method in its double-bounded dichotomous choice format. The estimation coefficients are calculated according to the maximum likelihood method under the assumption of a probit distribution. The sample consisted of 531 individuals, mainly from middle- and high-income socioeconomic groups from Chile between enrolled between 10 July and 10 August 2020. Results The results show a high WTP for the COVID-19 vaccine, with a value up to US$232. Income and education levels and having family members with COVID-19 increased the likelihood of persons paying for a vaccine. There is also a greater fear as the pandemic progresses that people will get sick from COVID-19. Conclusions The high WTP value creates an opportunity for formulating public health policy. The results of this study suggest that governments can provide the vaccine free to low-income groups and allow those with higher incomes to acquire the vaccine through the private sector by paying. This will be useful especially for countries with economic difficulties.Item Women's Entrepreneurship and Government Policy: Facilitating Access to Credit through a National Program in ChileAutores: Bentancor, AndreaIn this paper, I evaluate the impact of a multidimensional national program implemented in Chile during the second term of President Bachelet to facilitate female entrepreneurs' access to credit, reduce gender gaps in financial inclusion, and change patriarchal stereotypes. I construct a difference-in-difference estimate of the program. My findings indicate that the program has successfully met its principal aim: the loans granted to women have increased, reducing the gender gap in this dimension. In addition, evidence of heterogeneity by the economic sector has emerged. This evidence aligns with prior research that has emphasised that public policies should not be designed and implemented under the logic of "one type of program fits all". The program analysed in this study is an example of a national public policy that has improved female entrepreneurs' access to funding, reduced gender gaps in a Latin American country, and potentially offered lessons to other Latin American and middle-income countries worldwide.Item Work-to-family enrichment and atmosphere of family meals influence satisfaction with food-related life: An actor-partner interdependence approach in dual-earner parents with adolescent childrenAutores: Schnettler, Berta; Miranda Zapata, Edgardo; Orellana, Ligia; Grunert, Klaus G.; Poblete, Hector; Lobos, Germán; Adasme Berríos, Cristian; Lapo, MaríaThe effects of work-to-family enrichment (WtoFE) have been examined on outcomes such as family and job satisfaction, with scarce research on the potential effects of WtoFE on the food domain. To fill in this gap, the present study explored actor and partner effects between WtoFE, the perception of the atmosphere of family meals (AFM), and satisfaction with food-related life (SWFoL) in different-sex dual-earner parents with adolescent children using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model; the mediating role of AFM between WtoFE and SWFoL was also tested. Questionnaires were administered to 473 different-sex dual-earner parents and one of their adolescent children (average age 12.5 years, 51.4% male) in Temuco, Chile. The three family members answered the Project-EAT Atmosphere of family meals scale and the Satisfaction with Food-related Life Scale. Parents answered a measure of WtoFE based on the Work-Home Interaction Survey. Analyses were conducted using structural equation modelling. Results showed a positive association from WtoFE to SWFoL, directly and through the perception of the atmosphere of family meals in both parents (actor effects). Both parents' WtoFE was associated with their adolescent children' SWFoL via the adolescent's perception of the atmosphere of family meals, while the mother's perception of the atmosphere of family meals was directly associated with the adolescent's SWFoL (partner effects). Findings suggest that resources that mothers and fathers acquire from work and invest via WtoFE have positive effects on their own and their adolescent children's perception of the atmosphere of family meals and SWFoL. As higher WtoFE has also been related to other positive outcomes in the job and health domains in workers, policymakers and organizations must aim to promote WtoFE in working parents.