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Item Aplicacion para monitorizacion de caidas no intencionales en personas que sufren de sindrome vertiginoso: Implementacion en la plataforma AndroidAutores: Besoain Pino, Felipe AndrésProfesor Guía: Bustos Bustos, Jorge EduardoLas personas que sufren de caídas no intencionales están constantemente expuestas a la posibilidad de presentar fracturas, luxaciones e incluso rompimiento de la masa ósea al momento de caer, lo cual puede provocar graves lesiones, estas dependerían directamente de su fisiología, la intensidad del golpe y la edad que presente cada una de ellos. Al analizar lo anterior, queda en evidencia que los pacientes que presentan esta patología tienen una alta probabilidad de caer al realizar su vida normal, lo cual, aumenta considerablemente en aquellas personas que realizan un conjunto más amplio de actividades diarias, ya que existe un numero mayor de desplazamientos, como los realizados desde el hogar al trabajo, del trabajo al supermercado, del supermercado al hogar, etc. Esta alta probabilidad hace que el riesgo que se produzca un incidente sea inminente, por lo cual, este trabajo pretende detectar las caídas no intencionales y apoyar a los pacientes con información de su entorno que pueda ser proveída a su circulo familiar y medico-asistencial con el objetivo de reducir la incertidumbre producida ante este hecho, ya que, el momento posterior a la caída es el punto en el cual las personas requerirían de pronta ayuda y/o atención médica. Técnica y logisticamente este evento suma una serie de complicaciones, tales como; conocer la localización específica de la persona, el nivel de inseguridad del usuario respecto si la ayuda que requiere le sería brindada en un tiempo adecuado y la incapacidad de movimiento del afectado. Este desafío hoy en día, puede ser contrarrestado con la ayuda de diversas tecnologías de información y comunicación, las cuales se describirán dentro del transcurso de esta memoria de título. y que forman parte del eje principal de este trabajo, y la solución propuesta. Esta solución permite apoyar las necesidades de los presentes dentro del problema, y para lo cual se ha trabajado con el paradigma de la computación ubicua y la tecnología dispositivos móviles inteligentes, como base del desarrollo de un producto de software el cual es capaz de asistir a los pacientes que sufren de esta patología. Dentro del punto de vista de ingeniería software, este proyecto se ha desarrollado mediante la metodología de desarrollo iterativo con objeto acoplado, con el fin, de desarrollar una arquitectura modular y reusable orientada a servicios que posean una alta cohesión y bajo acoplamiento entre componentes de software. Además de eso se implementaron una serie de algoritmos de control reactivo para la detección inteligente de caídas. Como plataforma de desarrollo se utilizó el sistema operativo Android por las características que este presenta tanto a nivel técnico como de mercado en el campo de las tecnologías de rehabilitación, y como dispositivo final se utilizo el teléfono móvil inteligente HTC G1 Dream, el cual cuenta con hardware multisensor que incluye sensor de aceleración, sensor de rotación que fueron leídos para capturar datos para procesar las caídas, hardware de posicionamiento y ubicación, como GPS y brújula, y hardware de telecomunicaciones como interfaz WiFi (LAN) y 3G (WAN) para establecer la comunicación entre servicios externos. El software es capaz previa configuración del usuario de: Reconocer una caída Notificar al usuario. Notificar la posición del usuario a un servidor externo. Notificar la posición del usuario a un dispositivo móvil. Revisar la posición actual de la ambulancia u otro medio de ayuda. Videos y más información de efalls 0.9 en [15]./ ABSTRACT: People that suffer from unintentional falls are constantly at risk of fractures, dislocations, and even broken bone marrow in the instant that they fall. Serious injuries can be caused, injuries which directly depend on the intensity of the fall, the physiology and present age of the person. Upon analysis of the previously mentioned information, it is clear that patients who present this pathology have high probabilities of falling as they go about their normal routines. The probability considerably increases in people that carry out a wide range of daily activities since the number of trips that they make is larger, such as trips made between the home and the workplace, the workplace and the supermarket, the supermarket and the home, etc. This high probability makes the risk imminent that an incident will occur. Accordingly, this work intends to detect unintentional falls. It also attempts to support patients by monitoring information from their surroundings that can be provided to their families and medical practitioners, the objective being to reduce the lack of information inherent to an unintentional fall, especially since the moment directly following the fall is the point at which people require prompt help and/or medical attention. Technically and logistically, this event presents a series of complicated factors, such as: knowing the specific location of the person, the user’s level of danger in respect to whether the required help will be given in an adequate amount of time and the affected person’s incapacity of movement. This current challenge can be counteracted with the help of diverse information and communication technologies. These technologies will be described within the course of this thesis and form part of the principal axis of this work and its proposed solution. This solution enables support of necessities within the present problems. To that end, this thesis works with the ubiquitous computing paradigm and smart phone technology as a base to develop software that is capable of assisting patients that suffer from this pathology. This project has been developed from the point of view of a software engineer by means of iterative development methodology with object coupling. The end goal has been to develop a modular architecture and a reusable orientation towards services that possess maximum cohesion and minimum coupling among software components. Furthermore, a series of reactive control algorithms have been implemented for the intelligent detection of falls. As the development platform, the Android operating system has been used because of its features that are present as much at the level of technology as in the market for the field of rehabilitation technologies. As the final device, the smart phone HTC G1 Dream had been used, a mobile which has multisensor hardware that includes: an acceleration sensor and a rotation sensor that were read in order to capture data for processing the falls, locating and positioning hardware like the GPS and compass, and telecommunications hardware like WiFi (LAN) and 3G (WAN) interfaces that establish communication among external services. Upon configuration by the user, the software is capable of: Recognizing a fall. Notifying the user. Notifying an external server about the position of the user. Notifying a mobile device about the position of the user. Checking the current position of either the ambulance or other means of help. Videos of the efalls version 0.9 software and more information is available at [15].Item Development of a Multiplatform Tool for the Prevention of Prevalent Mental Health Pathologies in Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Control TrialAutores: Ramos Alvarado, Nadia Amira; Besoain Pino, Felipe Andrés; Cancino, Natalia A.; Gallardo Cuadra, Ismael Enrique; Albornoz Bravo, Paula Francisca; Fresno Rodríquez, Andrés; Spencer Contreras, Rosario Elena; Schott, Soledad; Núñez, Daniel; Salgado, Carolina; Campos, SusanaBackground: The prevalence of depression and anxiety has increased in recent years, with many individuals having trouble accessing mental health support. Smartphones have become an integral part of modern life, with apps offering new ways to deliver evidence -based self-help strategies to cope with common mental health symptoms. However, most of them do not have empirical evidence of their overall effectiveness or the effectiveness of their components, which could pose a risk for users. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the modules of evaluation, psychoeducation, and emotional regulation strategies in a multiplatform self-help mental health mobile app in the Maule region of Chile. Methods: A sample of 196 adults will be selected, who will be randomly assigned to different components of the app for a fixed period to assess its ability to reduce symptomatology. Results: The trial is not yet recruiting and is expected to end in October 2024. The first results are expected in April 2024. Conclusions: This is the first study in Chile to develop and test the effectiveness of a mobile app to manage anxiety and depression symptoms in adults. The intervention proposed is based on evidence suggesting that the internet or remote intervention tools and self -management of prevalent symptomatology could be the future of mental health care systems in the digital era. If the effects of the intervention are positive, wide implementation in Chile and other Spanish-speaking countries could be possible in the future.Item Think About It: Promoting Physical Activity With a Mobile App With a Theory-Based ApproachAutores: Besoain Pino, Felipe Andrés; Gallardo Cuadra, Ismael EnriqueCurrently, people’s highly busy lifestyles and sedentary behavior contribute negatively to multiple health factors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the different sanitary measures, such as limited mobility and the closing of gyms and sports centers, have contributed to limited physical activity. In this context, there are several apps to enhance physical activity across all mobile stores with an emphasis on mobile sensing. However, the use of a formal theory incorporated into the app development and interventions is less evident. A theory-based approach contributes to understanding the reasons and situations in which an intervention strategy can have an impact. The present work considers the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), which addresses persuasion and attitude change. Can we develop a persuasive app that promotes physical activity based on contemporary attitudes and behavioral change theories? We developed a mobile application for Android OS. Then, 63 participants tested it, and were encouraged to think of ideas or arguments in favor of doing physical activity in a high elaboration task. A mediation analysis was done, with results showing that attitudes partially mediate the association between thought and physical activity. Participants’ thoughts were seen to be positively correlated with their attitudes; and, in turn, participants’ attitudes were correlated with their behavioral intention (to do physical activity). This suggests that a theory-based approach for the active production of biased beliefs is effective when designing an app that encourages positive attitudes toward physical activity.Item Aplicación para prevenir comportamientos de riesgo para pacientes en régimen nutritivo, implementación en plataforma AndroidAutores: Ojeda Alvarado, FelipeProfesor Guía: Besoain Pino, Felipe AndrésProfesor Informante: Valdés Jiménez, Alejandro MauricioEl sobrepeso y obesidad no son problemas aislados, en el mundo un 65% de la población vive en paí ses donde las enfermedades asociadas al sobrepeso y obesidad tienen un í ndice de mortandad y mortalidad mayor que las enfermedades asociadas a la malnutrici on [24]. Dentro de estas podemos encontrar: alta presión arterial, condiciones card íacas, diabetes, aumento de probabilidad en distintos tipos de cáncer, baja autoestima y disminución de calidad de vida.El estilo de vida actual tiene directa relación con el problema planteado anteriormente; un ritmo apresurado y falta de educación nutricional llevan a dietas mal balanceadas y aumentan las conductas de riesgo de la población [24], tales como las tentaciones de comidas r ápidas altas en grasas y az úcares, la presi ón social, falta de tiempo dedicado a actividades f ísicas, entre otras. Las tecnologí as de información y comunicación (TICs) actualmente se encuentran profundamente ligadas a la vida de sus usuarios, es por medio de estas tecnologías que se pretende alcanzar un punto de entrada para dar soporte en tratamientos que busquen anticipar y modi car las conductas de riesgo de las personas. Como resultado de lo descrito anteriormente, la computació ubicua (es decir,las TIC presentes en la vida del usuario hasta el punto de que no es consciente de su existencia) se utilizó como plataforma para promover cambios en el comportamiento de individuos. Con este fin se desarroll o Geonut, un software para teléfonos Android que utiliza tecnologías de posicionamiento global (GPS, wifi y / o redes teléf onicas) para identi car las áreas de riesgo y proporcionar alertas en tiempo real, dando un consejo saludable para el usuario. Este software ha sido probado con los estudiantes en Ingenierí a en Bioinform ática y Nutrición, como resultado de estas pruebas es evidente la relaci ón directa del comportamiento del usuario con el n úmero de alertas generadas. Finalmente, con el desarrollo de la presente memoria de titulo se encuentra disponible una plataforma ubicua, con proyecciones para el futuro desarrollo en torno a la aplicación de las tecnolog ías m óviles como apoyo para tratamientos médicos./ABSTRACT: Overweight and obesity are not isolated problems in the world a 65 % of the population lives in countries where the diseases associated with overweight and obesity have a mortality rate greater than diseases associated with malnutrition [24]. Among these we nd: high blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes, increased probability of cancer types, low self-esteem and decreased quality of life. The current lifestyle is directly related to the problem previously exposed, a fast pace and lack of nutritional education lead to unbalanced diets and increased risk behavior population [24], such as fast food temptations, high in fats and sugars, social pressure, lack of time devoted to physical activities, among others. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) are now deeply linked to the life of its users, it is through these technologies that will achieve a point of entry for support in treatments that look for anticipate and modify risk behaviors of individuals. As a result of the previously described, ubiquitous computing (ie ICT present in the user's life to the point that he is not aware of its existence) was used as platform to promote changes in the behavior of individuals . For this purpose was developed Geonut, a software for Android phones which use global positioning technologies (GPS, wi and / or telephone networks) for identify risk areas and provide real-time alert, giving a healthy advice for the user. This software was tested with students in Bioinformatics Engineering and Nutrition, as a result of these tests is evident the direct relationship of user behavior with the number of alerts generated. Finally, with the development of this work is available a ubiquitous platform, with projections for further development around the application of mobile technologies as a support for medical treatments.Item Developing 360° Virtual Tours for Promoting Tourism in Natural Parks in ChileAutores: Stappung González, Yazmina Soledad; Aliaga Vergara, Camila Elena; Cartes Sanhueza, Jorge Andrés; Jego Mendoza, Liza Eliana; Reyes Suárez, José Antonio; Barriga Richards, Nicolás Arturo; Besoain Pino, Felipe AndrésIn recent years, the tourism industry has undergone substantial transformations, integrating new technology to lead to a new era termed Tourism 4.0. These innovations enhance the customer’s travel experience. An emerging trend in travel technology is the application of virtual and augmented reality, facilitating virtual tours that allow tourists to explore destinations without physically being there. We present the experience of developing 360° virtual tours for reserves and natural parks across the four provinces of the Maule Region in Chile including information, 360° images and videos, as well as several other interactions. A descriptive and correlational analysis was carried out with a total of 147 participants that evaluated the virtual tour, showing a positive correlation between the perceived attractiveness of the 360° experience and behavioral intention. Participants had an overall positive perception of the virtual experience; they found it involving and attractive, felt immersed in the environment, and were able to make decisions and interact with static and dynamic objects. The contributions of the present work are as follows: the process and what has been learned and can be recommended based on the experience for developing 360° virtual tours, combining dynamic and stationary elements in 360° in a virtual experience, and the results of an exploratory study that present the interaction with and user perceptions of the virtual environment.