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Item Perception of clinical simulation as teaching strategies for the development of generic skills in occupational therapyAutores: Vásquez Orjuela, Diana; Hernández Osses, MartínEn la actualidad la tendencia de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje giran en torno a estrategias centradas en los y las estudiantes, reconociéndolos como personas que participan activamente en su proceso de formación profesional y personal en este sentido, la estrategia de simulación clínica mediante usuarios simulados, se convierte en un método de enseñanza didáctico que permite el logro de aprendizaje significativo a corto y largo plazo de competencias profesionales en el individuo. El propósito que persigue este estudio es establecer la percepción que tienen los estudiantes universitarios, respecto de la simulación clínica como estrategia de enseñanza para la adquisición de competencias transversales. Metodológicamente, este estudio se enmarca en un enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental, de tipo descriptivo y temporalidad transversal. La muestra es no probabilística, compuesta por 13 estudiantes de 5° año de la carrera de Terapia Ocupacional con una M=24 años y DT=1,000. Los resultados reportan que, en las tres dimensiones estudiadas: (1) estrategias de simulación clínica como método de enseñanza, (2) estrategias de simulación clínica como adquisición de competencias y (3) estrategias de simulación clínica con interacción de personas en las prácticas profesionales, los estudiantes logran altos porcentajes de percepciones positivas. Se concluye que los estudiantes universitarios reconocen un impacto positivo de la práctica clínica simulada como una herramienta eficaz en su formación y procesos de aprendizaje de competencias transversales.Item Quality of automatic geocoding tools: a study using addresses from hospital record files in Temuco, ChileAutores: Quinteros Cáceres, María Elisa; Blazquez, Carola; Rosas, Felipe; Ayala, Salvador; Ossa García, Ximena Marcela; María Delgado Saborit, Juana; Harrison, Roy M.; Ruíz Rudolph, Pablo; Yohannessen, KarlaAutomatic geocoding methods have become popular in recent years, facilitating the study of the association between health outcomes and the place of living. however, rather few studies have evaluated geocoding quality, with most of them being performed in the US and Europe. This article aims to compare the quality of three automatic online geocoding tools against a reference method. A subsample of 300 handwritten addresses from hospital records was geocoded using Bing, Google Earth, and Google Maps. Match rates were higher (> 80%) for Google Maps and Google Earth compared with Bing. However, the accuracy of the addresses was better for Bing with a larger proportion (> 70%) of addresses with positional errors below 20m. Generally, performance did not vary for each method for different socioeconomic status. Overall, the methods showed an acceptable, but heterogeneous performance, which may be a warning against the use of automatic methods without assessing quality in other municipalities, particularly in Chile and Latin America.Item Relationships between diet quality, food satisfaction and life satisfaction in mother-adolescent dyadsAutores: Schnettler, Berta; Miranda-Zapata, Edgardo; Orellana, Ligia; Lobos Andrade, Germán; Del Carmen Lapo, María; Adasme Berrios, Cristian; Grunert, Klaus G.This study examined the relationships between diet quality, satisfaction with f ood-related life and life satisfaction in mother-adolescent dyads. The sample consisted of 470 mother-adolescent dyads in Temuco, Chile. Mothers and adolescents responded to the Adapted healthy Eating Index, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Satisfaction with Food-related Life scale. Data was analyzed using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Diet quality was associated with satisfaction with food-related life, which related to life satisfaction in mothers and adolescents. We did not find direct relationships between diet quality and life satisfaction for either dyad member. Adolescents' diet quality negatively affected their mothers' satisfaction with food-related life; adolescents' food-related life was positively associated with their mothers' life satisfaction. The mothers' satisfaction with food-related life played a mediating role between their own diet quality and life satisfaction. Mothers and their adolescent children affect one another in their dietary patterns and life satisfaction. Child-to-mother influences on food-related experiences show that adolescents' satisfaction with food-related life improves their own and their mothers' life satisfaction. Interventions to promote healthy eating habits must he addressed to both mothers and their adolescent children.Item Financial distress/well-being and living situation in Ecuadorian health workersAutores: Lobos Andrade, Germán; Schnettler, Berta; Lapo, Carmen; Nuñez, María; Vera, LauraThe tendency to live alone is a relatively recent phenomenon in Ecuador, but it is expanding rapidly. This study aims to identify factors associated with financial distress/well-being according to living situation (living alone vs. living with a partner) in Ecuadorian health workers. This study examined the construct of financial distress/well-being in a sample of 800 Ecuadorian health workers using cross-sectional data. Living situation was compared using generalized linear model analyses including income, age, children living at home, self-perception of health, depression, anxiety and stress, perceived social support, positive mental health, and hedonistic and austere profiles. Regarding financial well-being, workers living alone ranked lower and workers living with a partner ranked higher. In workers living alone the main sources of financial distress/well-being were income, children living at home, perceived social support, positive mental health, and hedonistic attitude towards indebtedness. In workers living with a partner the main sources of financial distress/well-being were income, age, self-perception of health, depression, anxiety and stress, perceived social support, positive mental health, and austere attitude towards indebtedness. Based on our results, we discuss potential public policy interventions that can be used to improve workers' financial well-being.Item Spillover-crossover effects for satisfaction with food-related life in dual-earner parents with adolescent childrenAutores: Schnettler, Berta; Miranda-Zapata, Edgardo; Orellana, Ligia; Lobos Andrade, Germán; Del Carmen Lapo, María; Adasme-Berrios, Cristian; Hueche, ClementinaThis study aimed to examine spillover and crossover associations between parents' family support, work-life balance, and satisfaction with food-related life in dual-earner parents with adolescent children. The mediating role of work-life balance in these relationships was also explored. This is a cross-sectional study with mothers, fathers and adolescent children from Temuco, Chile as participants. The sample comprised 303 families of different-sex dual-earner parents with adolescent children (mean age 13.3, 51.5% female). The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) was used to examine spillover (actor effects) and crossover (partner effects) associations between family members. Positive spillover effects were found for both parents (p < 0.001). Crossover effects were found from fathers' support and work-life balance, respectively, to mothers' work-life balance and satisfaction with food-related life (p < 0.001). No crossover effects were found between parents' work-life balance and their children's satisfaction with food-related life (p > 0.1). Work-life balance had a complete mediating role between parents' family support and satisfaction with food-related life in mothers (bias-corrected, 95%CI: 0.191; 0.093), and a partial role in fathers (bias-corrected, 95%CI: 0.007, 0.295). Spillover and crossover effects between parents' family support and work-life balance in dual-earner parents are associated with increased satisfaction with food-related life. Interventions to promote food-related life satisfaction in dual-earner parents should address both the work and other life roles that these parents fulfill.